This is absolutely awesome, and the inherent humor in it literally made me lol! The work itself just looks amazing, and I would completely watch something with this being animated. I absolutely love your thought process on this one!
9 reviews are hidden due to your filters.
This is absolutely awesome, and the inherent humor in it literally made me lol! The work itself just looks amazing, and I would completely watch something with this being animated. I absolutely love your thought process on this one!
This is freaking adorable, and I love the fun way you handled the exhaust!
This looks like a really awesome stained glass window! Loves it!
Love your shading here!
I LOVE this. The contrast in the colors looks fantastic!
This came out fantastic! I can almost hear the old school music just looking at him.
Xavier’s School for Gifted You
Las Vegas
Joined on 3/6/22